This will be the place to come to find your very own mentor.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Mentors See Into The Future (because they can see into us).

Ever see the Karate Kid?
Ever heard that old saying? "Can't see the forest for the trees."
Sometimes the big things in life hide the most important parts of our character.
That's what my mentor, Barbara Clark, did for me, when I was too young to see, and that started in 1970, or was it 1971?  Last April, I delivered a keynote address to the International Conference on Learning and the Brain in Mexico City. Dr. Clark, not able to deliver the presentation, gave my name to the conference organizer. Today, Barbara is guiding me toward the publication of my book.

That's why you're here, because having a mentor will open doors, that have yet to be seen.
You're here to find someone who has been where you want to go and who can show you the way to places you never knew existed.

Here, you will find a compassionate, experienced, insightful mentor who will brighten your life.

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